If you have recently started riding your UTV on new trails and are experiencing more jarring than normal, a malfunction may not be to blame. Your shocks, the part of your quad most responsible for making the ride smoother, might not be tuned for that particular terrain type. Luckily, tuning UTV shocks is relatively simple once you know what you’re doing, so just follow this guide created by the experts at Exxxtreme Cycles!

Refer to the Manual

While this guide provides general information applicable to most models, some UTVs may offer different tuning options. As always, you should check your owner’s manual before attempting any maintenance so that you are aware of any model-specific concerns. 

Tune for Mountain Trails

Since you won’t be hitting high speeds as often on a mountain trail, you can usually get away with tuning the shocks to be softer. Another thing to consider is that UTVs used in the mountains often have high ground clearance so that the chassis doesn’t scrape against obstacles. This can limit the amount of traction you get, so you will want a soft compression and a neutral rebound. The suspension needs to be able to respond fairly quickly, while not being too fast. 

Tune for Sand Dunes

For sand dunes, your compression should initially be soft to take on the cross chatter (the areas where other UTV tracks intersect) and stiffen up to help you take on the larger dunes. Set the rebound settings low to keep things stable even after a transition or a large bump. Slower rebounds are also helpful when dealing with razorback sand dunes, which have a gradual curve on one side and a sudden dip on the other. 

Tune for the Desert

You might think that riding in the desert would be almost the same thing as riding on a sand dune, but between the silt beds, shale hill climbs, sand washes, and other features, desert riding means dealing with ever-changing terrain. Your compression should be as soft as possible without bottoming out when you hit a bump so that you can easily make adjustments in response to different conditions. Remember that the faster you go, the harder your compression has to work to absorb the impact. Your front rebound should be quicker than your rear to prevent the side-by-side from bucking. 

For help tuning your UTV’s shocks or to view our selection of new and pre-owned models, visit Exxxtreme Cycles in Peñitas and La Feria, Texas. We also offer parts, financing, and servicing. We are proud to serve communities like Brownsville, Texas, and we hope to see you soon.